When you receive supportive, empowering care that embraces you as a whole person with unique needs, you can experience vibrant changes and your fertility benefits. We work with folks to address their individual needs and cultivate a wellness plan that works to optimize their chances of conception. Click here for more information.

Pregnancy & Postpartum Care
Pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period are times of dynamic physical, mental, and emotional change. Acupuncture and herbs can be safe and gentle tools to help navigate these transitions, benefit overall wellness, and provide relief for many associated conditions. Click here for more information.

Transgender Wellness & Transition
Acupuncture and herbs can help alleviate many of the common concerns related to transgender wellness and transition. We provide whole person care that respects and honors your experience, and we work with you to support your physical, mental, and emotional health. Click here for more information.

Gynecological Health
Many of the most common issues associated with gynecological health can be relieved or eliminated with the use of acupuncture and herbs. We work with patients to get to the root of their concerns and cultivate vibrant health. Click here for more information.